The Big Bite

I got bit- yup, I got bit by the travel bug about 19 years ago to be exact. I’ve noticed over the years it only seems to get worse or better (depending on how much you like bugs). Like a giant mosquito bite- the travel bug seems to leave me with an itch that I just can’t seem to scratch and the only cure comes in the form of a plane, train or automobile.
My first big bite was a bit unexpected. I was an avid soccer player when I was younger. I loved being out on that field, I felt free and alive. So when I found out I was invited to represent the USA playing soccer at the Harlem World Cup, in Amsterdam, I knew I had to go. I was only 13 and it would be my first time traveling to Europe and my parents were not coming.
I’d love to say that we brought home the gold, but that wasn’t the case. I was very competitive so I was heartbroken at our loss, but the memories from that trip left a lasting impression on me. I remember the heat, sweat, and tears but more than anything I remember walking along the canals, eating delicious Dutch chocolate, trying real European pasties and visiting a wooden clog shop that also made cheese inside of a windmill. I loved watching the people take their time enjoying life in the outdoor cafes. What was this place that was so very different than my life back in Seattle?
I vividly remember there was a cart on the street selling herring in every way possible, canned, dried, pickled, you name it. It was also right next to the French fry cart. I was so puzzled but at the same time fascinated. This world had so much to offer. I knew from that moment, there was so much more for me to see.
For me, food is a great gateway into learning about a new city and its people. I’ve noticed time and time again, you may sit down to “break bread” with strangers, sometimes those you can barely communicate with, but something magical happens when food is involved. Walls come down, people start to laugh and tell stories. And although you might start a meal as strangers, by the end of it you’ll feel like family.
Travel and food go hand and hand. Warning! Future posts may cause a severe travel itch. Common cure? Jet setting- so I invite you to come explore with me and enjoy all the delicious adventures the world has to offer. And be sure to have your spoons handy.