Wellness Wednesday: Yoga with Lesley Klose

You never forget your first time! It felt like a sauna. The room was 105°degrees to be exact and I was nervous. I had never tried any form of yoga and my sister decided that we should try Bikram Yoga first. This traditional form of hot yoga includes 26 different postures. Needless to say I was sweating like never before. I felt like I was working out in the desert. After 45 minutes when it finally came time to lay down on our backs I was so relieved it was over. But then I heard the instructor say, “Now that the standing series is over, we will begin the floor series.” WHAT?!? It wasn’t over? I turned and looked at my sister and as the saying goes, “if only looks could kill!” That first 90-minute yoga experience was way more than either of us had bargained for, but 9 years later and we are still practicing.
I know some of you might be thinking yoga is not for me, that’s exactly what I thought at first. But I had a few weeks of yoga for the price of two classes, so I figured I’d go back. I realized after doing it a few times my flexibility improved, I felt amazing after and it did wonders for my skin. Surprisingly I also found it complimented my other various workouts.
As I get older, I truly understand the importance of a good stretch. A lot of people sit all day. We are constantly looking down at a computer and/or our phones. Our bodies are tight and stiff, especially when we wake up in the morning. Bikram Yoga instructor, Lesley Klose, shows us 3 different postures in this week’s video. These specific postures work wonders first thing in the morning. The breathing exercise is great to bring oxygen and energy into the body. To help wake up the digestive system she recommends doing the Wind Removing Pose. I really appreciate this one because my hips tend to be very tight, and this posture helps open them up. Her last pose she shows us is Half Tortoise. Stretching and lengthening the spine, morning or night is always a good idea.
Another good idea, making sure you stay hydrated throughout the day, regardless if you work out or not. Nowadays there are so many options when it comes to staying hydrated, water, electrolyte waters, vitamin waters, energy and sports drink, the list goes on. Flavor is great but sometimes that comes along with a price. Be sure to read labels and see if a drink included a lot of addedsugar. If it does, look for another option. Fresh juices and raw coconut waters can be great options also. These fresh pressed juices may have a fair amount of natural sugar, but they are loaded with electrolyses and nutrients. One of the best recommendations Lesley gives in the video is to try making your own hydrated beverage. She suggests adding honey, lemon and a touch of sea salt to your water.
For those of you out there who still believe yoga is not for you, I hope you find these three postures to beneficial. Sometimes it’s best to not even think of them as yoga, but as a part of your morning routine to help get your body moving. Whether it’s a workout day or not, it’s important to stay hydrated. Until next Wednesday be well.
Photography and video by Alejandro Leon