Welcome to Diversity Kitchen

Welcome to Diversity Kitchen, your passport to flavor. Why diversity? Simply put, it’s because of who I am. And no, I’m not talking only about the obvious and trying to sound too “cliché.” I am the true American melting pot. My heritage includes Polish, Mexican, Native America, African, and more. Not surprising that I love making and eating foods from all different nations and experiencing all this diverse world has to offer me. But diversity in food is also about using ingredients in unexpected ways, like using matcha to flavor popcorn or interesting flours and grains as the base for pancakes. Exploring, experimenting and enjoying food is what Diversity Kitchen is all about.
Throughout my travels and living abroad I’ve come across an array of different types of cuisine and new ingredients. I lived in France for 3 years, as well as 9 months in Hong Kong and Vietnam. Each place has very different eating habits and uses ingredients in unique ways. Food gives me pleasure but also keeps me healthy. Food nourishes both my heart and soul and has a powerful effect on me. It can bring me right back to my childhood, sitting at my grandma’s table. Some foods however, if eaten every day, would make me pretty unhealthy. That’s why, during my travels, I started to understand the importance of a balance diet. I took the time to learn new cooking techniques, recipes, and how to use new ingredients to create a better lifestyle.
My kitchen is overflowing with the delicious flavors of Diversity no matter what I’m cooking. Some of my clients are musicians and athletes, and while they want to eat tasty food, they don’t want it to show on their waistlines. A very select few have the discipline to cut out all the “unhealthy” foods from their diets. Even if they do, how long does that last before that temptation comes knocking? Who really wants to deny themselves of a decadent piece of chocolate cake? Ok, I admit, that will forever be my weakness. And my quest to balance the naughty and the nice has lead me to use a variety of ingredients such as gluten free flour options, dairy-free alternatives, nutrient dense foods, and tons of vegetable without sacrificing flavor. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll also find recipes with butter, wheat flour and cream, but I’ll also show you clever ways to substitute and swaps.
Diversity Kitchen is the essence of who I am and that’s what I want to share with you. Together we will explore places both in and out of the kitchen and experiment with new flavors that will inspire you to take your own journeys, especially ones that involve food. Don’t be afraid to play around in the kitchen, take risks, and have fun. If you mess up, laugh, dust off your apron and try again. I’ve had kitchen fails, I’m not perfect, that’s how I’ve learned. Invite old and new friends alike to your table. Have them partake in the bounty of your kitchen. Sometimes you don’t have to travel far to realize that diversity and flavor can be found in the palm of your hands and in everything you cook.