Wellness Wednesday: Exhaustion and Making Better Decisions

Sleep or the lack thereof changes everything. When we are well rested we feel like we can conquer the world. Our mood is better, we are more focused and have more energy. We can also add to the list, able to make better decision. Wait, saw what? Yeah that’s right, we make better decisions when we are not exhausted.
It was a few weeks ago I walked into the gym and started talking to my trainer friend. I didn’t have much energy to workout. I was tired and the beginning of the season’s new routine was getting the best of me. I simply stated that I was trying to eat balanced and healthy but all I wanted was sugar. I wanted a piece of cake or a cookie. He looked at me and said, “Danielle, your tired. When we get tired our body starts to crave crazy stuff.” And he was right. I think it was the first time someone brought awareness to the fact that when I’m tired, I look for comfort and what is going to conveniently satisfy that craving. Maybe for you it’s not sweets but salty. Some people prefer chips for example.
Awareness of our own behavior and cravings when we are tired is the first step to making better decisions. If I know I’m going into a crazy busy week or season there are certain things I do not keep in my kitchen. Since I crave sweets I’m noyt going to stock up on delicious but unhealthy cookies, ice cream and various treats. I might choose to purchase healthier options or make some of great snacks like my Matcha Bites or my Coconut Snack Bars and keep them in the refrigerator. I might even store some in the freezer. If you know you usually want to grab for a bag of unhealthy chips because you prefer salty to sweet, maybe try add some salted rosemary almonds, kale chips or a healthy dip to your grocery list.

And when it comes to working out, we all know, that can be a battle when you’re tired. Getting up early doesn’t seem like the best option when it is sleep that we are lacking. I will say, when I am able to workout in the morning, or at least earlier rather than later, is when I find I get more energy. My endorphins kick in and I’m able to call upon that energy reserve later in the day. If I tend to wait until late afternoon or evening, then that’s when I really start to struggle more. I start taking short cuts and at times give up early in my workouts. You also have to be careful too because if you start to get sloppy, you can more easily injure yourselfl.
As we continue into our busy fall season really try to become more aware of your habits and what you tend to learn towards when you’re tired. If you happen to make a bad decision regarding your diet, don’t beat yourself up. Make note and do better next time. Try to keep healthier options in your bag throughout the day or at home. And try to find moments to get a little exercise, even if it’s only 20-30 minutes. That could even be a walk in the park to move your body and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.